Monday, 12 September 2016

Why I love to be in Toptal

I'm passioniate about creating something of value. Receiving a reward from someone in some form is a sign of acceptance of that value. Toptal is making a value statement to its clients with a promise to bring in the best in a subject area. It's the expectation of Toptal that when rigorous screening of the value provider is undertaken, value receiver benefits and returns for more.

I love programming. I love creating strong design before coding so that there are no fundamental issues or major reworks later on. I've done programming in a few languages and I love learning newer ones to keep myself updated. Programming gives a sense of creation like no other. The happiness of seeing a working application is unmatcable.

I also love delivering complex solutions which require multiple skill sets to put together the solution. For example, a mobile app requires graphic designer, UI developer, database expert, integration developer and a tester. Though I can be a full stack developer, I love orchestrating all these skill sets, solutioning and delivering the final solution by collaboration, coordination, goal clarity and time bound delivery approach.

All of these create extraordinary value for someone who is looking for a technology solution to drive his/her core business. Therefore I just love being part of Toptal, create value, get rewarded and be known for and be satisfied of fulfilling some mission.

Toptal webdevelopers

Sunday, 7 August 2016

Programming languages for web-site setup

Programming languages for website setup

Image source - Wikipedia

Following is a step by step guide on programming languages for setting up a website

There are two main types of websites you may deal with.

1. Static website

This type of website is generally to display some information. It does not do much of, or in fact, any of logic. A good example is a website such as It does not take much of inputs from user other than search string. This type of website is suggested to start with, since it helps to master the basics of setting up website before handling complexities.

2. Dynamic website

This type of website is generally to have higher level of user interaction. It takes inputs from users and displays information back to user and then it further does logic and calculations such as total amount. A good example is a website such as It not only take inputs from user such as search string to display products, but it also adds up items in basket and shows the total amount, takes input of delivery address and displays delivery date and so on. This type of website needs a database and other algorithms to be built and needs more intensive training before doing it right.

Following are the main programming skills you need to setup a website. They are not complicated, they are simple to learn and apply. I like to stress, they are 'simple', but that doesn't mean they are 'easy'. You need to invest time to learn them properly and apply. If you are prepared to rough it up and learn slowly, you can learn them FREE with multiple tutorials online. If you don't want to spend too much time in trial and error you can consider to learn them properly via an online course before applying in your project.

1. Front-end programming languages

This has two parts. First part is about the "basic content formatting" and display.
Since the beginning, front end programming has been standardized with Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML). All the browsers are built to recognize the programming tags and standards defined by this programming language, so that they parse and display accordingly. The latest version of this language is HTML version 5 or HTML5. Please remember, not all browsers recognize all HTML tags. You will learn the differences as you start programming with HTML/HTML5. Another component of front end programming is, 'dynamic controls' without refresh. Typically Javascript is used for this purpose. JQuery is used in places such as Facebook like count (for example, as soon as you click like, count is increased without refreshing the page).

Second part is about "styling" the contents to make them appear very nice and attractive to the users.
This is called as 'styling'. Styling has been standardized lucky as well with one uniform programming language called as Cascaded Style Sheet or CSS. This has a set of style-coding instructions which can be referred to in HTML code for beautiful displays. The commonly adapted version of CSS language is CSS3. Please note that, it is "NOT" mandatory to use style sheets or create separate CSS file. However, you will appreciate the benefits of CSS when you start dealing with bigger, more complicated websites. To begin with, you can apply styling elements "within" the HTML code. This webpage you are reading, itself is an example for using some of the aspects of HTML and CSS without any backend programming. I've applied mostly by learning them via online.

2. Back-end programming languages

Backend programming is needed to do logic, calculations, im-promptu displays, page shifts and so on. They also deal with different Uniform Resource Locators (URLs) typed in by users in the web-browsers and send the request to a webserver to decide what to respond back. For example, try this simple test. Try to type in and you will get a nice webpage. Now type then still you will get a nice webpage with cleanly formatted 'Page not found' error. These cannot be controlled by HTML/CSS. These are controlled again by backend programming. The most prominent ones are given below.

2a).Python-Django- This has been in existence since 1991 and it is commended for programmer-friendly coding practices.

2b).C/C++ has been around since 1972/1983 and it is a very successful, widely used programming language.

2c).PHP- Short form for Personal Home Page/Hypertext Preprocessor has been around since 1995 and it is a famous language for programming.

2d).ASP.NET - Active server pages of Windows is a go-to webprogramming lanugage especially for windows-lovers and simplicity seeks. You know what I mean, Windows is known for bringing simplicity to users, whether it was from DOS prompt to WINDOWS interface or anything later on.

2e. There is a great number of Ruby on Rails lovers in this world. They just love it because, it overcame some of the deficiencies in Java. It has been around since 2005

2f).Java-finally, so called the king of the languages for its time developed and released by Sun Microsystems and now being given a run by other languages such as Ruby, Python and others, is a dependenable language for backend programming.

2g).Others-There are a few others such as PERL, Scala, Go, Hack, Erlang,etc which you can explore if interested

3. Back-end database

Third component that you will need for a website is a database to store and retrieve data. There are multiple options available, though the most common ones are Oracle MYSQL, Microsoft SQLserver, SQLite and PostgreSQL. There are a few others such as HBase, Cassandra, MariaDB and Redis. I've used MySQL, SQLserver and SQLite and they are reliable.

4. Webserver

This component depends on how you are hosting your website. For example, if you are hosting within an office environment, then you need to take care of this part yourself. You need to learn a webserver programming and installation such as Nginx, Microsoft IIS, Apache-Tomcat or anyother equivalent software. However, if you are hosting from a web-host, they usually take care of this part and you need not worry about this. I've hosted a webapplication both inside office (using all three Nginx, IIS, Apache tomcat) as well as hosted with a provider without worrying about this part.

Hope this blog was useful to you for learning some fundamentals of webprogramming. I conduct step by step coaching and guidance for website setup. If you want to save time and setup a website quickly starting from domain registration until it is up and running, you can subscribe with your email to receive FREE website setup tips and also leave a comment below showing your interest.

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Saturday, 23 July 2016

How to build your skill set to increase your salary?

How to build your skill set to increase your salary?

If you have lost hope on getting a suprising income raise and stopped learning new skills, you have come to the right place. Don't be content and satisfied with the incremental increase in salary. I'm not talking about being greedy. I'm talking about, working smart and working hard and getting the reward for it. Don't lower your life standard by accepting whatever is paid. Earn more and raise your life standard. You see, it helps your family too.

Ask yourself. Don't you want your kids to go to a better school? Don't you want your spouse to buy what he/she likes to buy without having to worry about how much it costs? Don't you want to travel the world and not cringe on the spending? Obviously not.
Then where is the issue? The issue is in resigning from trying, in otherwords, losing hope that a drastically high pay is possible. Only if you try. Take actions. Learn new skills.
Here are three steps you can take right away to build your skill sets. Don't delay. Take actions before you forget. Because, these actions are worth the money you can potentially earn, nothing less than that.

1.Learn from free sources online

You can learn from sources such as Youtube. If you search the area in which you want to build you skill, you will get tons of free tutorials. I'm an example for this. I've learnt HTML programming only by using these sources. All the content you are reading, they are bit organized, though probably not the best way. But, I continuously learn, so that you can see, every new blog I write, the content has something new, looking better. I do not know if I want to use HTML to earn more in the future, I'm looking at other skill sets as well, but if I wanted to, I can always show my work on HTML and demand a price, because the proof is out there in front of you. Do you agree?
The disadvantage of this is, in a formal corporate environment, they will demand some sort of certificate as well, not only the skill, especially in areas where it is difficult to prove, such as Management Consulting.
That takes us to the next method.

2.Learn from paid sources online

You can learn from many paid sources, where they formally give a certificate. Everything else remains the same as above. You may get a forum in addition to interact and ask questions and someone will guide you. Some people may think, why should I invest and learn new skills. Please remember, the reason why you are earning so much now is only because of your skills. So, it makes lot of sense to further invest in yourself to enhance your skills even more. Every day you are delaying the decision in investing in yourself, you are potentially losing all the extra money you could have earned.
Following is an example of reliable online courses. Go through their courses and sign up for a course in an area which you believe will get you growth and money. Again, don't hesistate to invest in yourself. No investment=no growth. In otherwords, every business needs investment to grow. If you stop investing, you stop growing the business. In your case, "you" are the business. People are paying for "your skills" hence don't hesitate to invest, goahead.


3.Learn from an institute or coaching centre

Most people think that, to develop a skill, they need to attend a college or a coaching institute. While this is true, it is not entirely the only method. As you saw above, if you insist on "skills" then it is achievable in other ways. Many people postpone their learnings for the "right time", after earning "sufficient reserve money" etc. Or they try part-time. This is also the most expensive of the three options. Nothing wrong in doing this, infact it frees you up to focus and do if it is full time or help you get better in time-management if it is part time. If you happen to be postponing this for quite a long time, year after year, then it is something you need to be worried about. You are losing the potential earnings every day, which you could have got had you enhanced your skill set. Therefore, esepcially if you are keen on submitting during interviews etc, go for the option 2, in which you can develop a skill and prove with a certificate at very reasonable price.

For a FREE eBook on "Top skills in demand which can earn you more money", subscribe with your email below.

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Friday, 22 July 2016

Develop your skill sets, Increase your earnings

Develop your skill sets, Increase your earnings

Wonder why your "income level" is "not changing drastically"? Did you realise, it is because, your "skill-set" is "not changing drastically too"

Repeating to have the same skill set or having only a "minor" improvement in your skill set is a primary cause for most people to stangate in the same income levels

Most people whose salary does not grow rapidly have the mentality as follows: "developing my skill set is my company's responsibility, why should I pay for it"

If you want to drastically improve "YOUR INCOME", "YOU" have to drastically improve "YOUR SKILL SET". Your company will only "INVEST" in things that's good for your company's business. Developing "YOUR INCOME" is not the "business" of your company. Selling products and services is the "business" of your company. It is "FOOLISH" to expect your company to take "responsibility" to develop "YOUR SKILL SETS". That will never happen or it may happen for "very very few" out of some random reasons, not by design. No wonder, why it didn't happen to you.


Are you worried software courses are going to cost a lot?

Thankfully, times are changed and "INVESTING in YOURSELF" is becoming more affordable

You need not go to expensive coaching institutes to pay all your wealth to build your skill set

Remember, the reason why you are earning money today, is "YOUR SKILL SET". Therefore it makes more sense to "INVEST MORE" into developing "YOUR SKILL SET" which naturally will help you earn even "MORE MONEY"

The cost of developing skill sets have drastically come down. Instead of going to expensive coaching institutes, you can do it at the convenience of your own home or in your office, at half the price or even less

Explore the courses below, search for more courses in their websites and sign up for the one that you believe will be in demand

Your "SKILL SETS" have go you this far to your current levels of income. Don't delay, it makes even more sense to "INVEST" more into "YOUR SKILL SETS" to get you far a-head and even "HIGHER LEVELS OF INCOME". The KEY is "DON'T DELAY", "START DEVELOPING YOUR SKILL SETS NOW". Search the courses in the link below and sign up, they cost FAR TOO LESS WHEN COMPARED to Expensive Coaching institutes

To receive a FREE eBook on "Top 10 skills sets in super-demand for super-income" subscribe with your email below


Wednesday, 6 July 2016

Following is a list of online sites where you can learn software development

Please add more sites in the comments to help others

What are the benefits of learning software development or website development?

Learning any new skill directly relates to chances of increasing your pay, salary or getting a higher position in current or new company. Good luck, you are in the right place to get motivated. Keep visiting this site, since it is constantly updated and share with your friends, they will thank you and love you for that.

Following table gives the major online sites to learn Software development and Website development. Usually online has cheaper prices than any physical class room courses you may plan to attend, so it is worth checking.

Click on the links below to explore and compare. Please leave a comment for any help. It needs a clearly timed plan, commitment and daily routine learning to become an expert

S Click on the Online training course link below Description
1 Coursera Wonderful site, with many free courses
2 Khan Academy Very nice site, with many free courses
3 Very useful site, with many quality courses
4 Stanford online Stanford is offerning the same quality courses online for free, make use of it
5 MIT online Massachusets Institute of Technology (MIT) is offerning the same quality courses online for free, make use of it
6 Columbia university online Columbia university is offerning the same quality courses online for free, make use of it
7 Programming with electronics and motherboards, Internet of Things etc This is a great website to learn from and it is free

There are more websites to come to add here. This is like a community of forward looking, dreamers, achievers and would be greats. Share this awesome website with your family, friends, co-workers and your circle to motivate more people to learn and achieve higher pay, promotion and better job with perks or simply to become Entreprenuers

Also visit the following web pages, they are extremly useful. Please leave a comment

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