Saturday, 23 July 2016

How to build your skill set to increase your salary?

How to build your skill set to increase your salary?

If you have lost hope on getting a suprising income raise and stopped learning new skills, you have come to the right place. Don't be content and satisfied with the incremental increase in salary. I'm not talking about being greedy. I'm talking about, working smart and working hard and getting the reward for it. Don't lower your life standard by accepting whatever is paid. Earn more and raise your life standard. You see, it helps your family too.

Ask yourself. Don't you want your kids to go to a better school? Don't you want your spouse to buy what he/she likes to buy without having to worry about how much it costs? Don't you want to travel the world and not cringe on the spending? Obviously not.
Then where is the issue? The issue is in resigning from trying, in otherwords, losing hope that a drastically high pay is possible. Only if you try. Take actions. Learn new skills.
Here are three steps you can take right away to build your skill sets. Don't delay. Take actions before you forget. Because, these actions are worth the money you can potentially earn, nothing less than that.

1.Learn from free sources online

You can learn from sources such as Youtube. If you search the area in which you want to build you skill, you will get tons of free tutorials. I'm an example for this. I've learnt HTML programming only by using these sources. All the content you are reading, they are bit organized, though probably not the best way. But, I continuously learn, so that you can see, every new blog I write, the content has something new, looking better. I do not know if I want to use HTML to earn more in the future, I'm looking at other skill sets as well, but if I wanted to, I can always show my work on HTML and demand a price, because the proof is out there in front of you. Do you agree?
The disadvantage of this is, in a formal corporate environment, they will demand some sort of certificate as well, not only the skill, especially in areas where it is difficult to prove, such as Management Consulting.
That takes us to the next method.

2.Learn from paid sources online

You can learn from many paid sources, where they formally give a certificate. Everything else remains the same as above. You may get a forum in addition to interact and ask questions and someone will guide you. Some people may think, why should I invest and learn new skills. Please remember, the reason why you are earning so much now is only because of your skills. So, it makes lot of sense to further invest in yourself to enhance your skills even more. Every day you are delaying the decision in investing in yourself, you are potentially losing all the extra money you could have earned.
Following is an example of reliable online courses. Go through their courses and sign up for a course in an area which you believe will get you growth and money. Again, don't hesistate to invest in yourself. No investment=no growth. In otherwords, every business needs investment to grow. If you stop investing, you stop growing the business. In your case, "you" are the business. People are paying for "your skills" hence don't hesitate to invest, goahead.


3.Learn from an institute or coaching centre

Most people think that, to develop a skill, they need to attend a college or a coaching institute. While this is true, it is not entirely the only method. As you saw above, if you insist on "skills" then it is achievable in other ways. Many people postpone their learnings for the "right time", after earning "sufficient reserve money" etc. Or they try part-time. This is also the most expensive of the three options. Nothing wrong in doing this, infact it frees you up to focus and do if it is full time or help you get better in time-management if it is part time. If you happen to be postponing this for quite a long time, year after year, then it is something you need to be worried about. You are losing the potential earnings every day, which you could have got had you enhanced your skill set. Therefore, esepcially if you are keen on submitting during interviews etc, go for the option 2, in which you can develop a skill and prove with a certificate at very reasonable price.

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